HeHe Elena 已經打到入去 US Open 八強 la, 拎左金牌後﹐越打越順呢﹐希望 lena 繼續 努力﹐有更好成績﹐今晚八強賽繼續保持水準再過關
Lena 好有信心呢
US Open 4th Round Interview
Q. It was a great performance tonight. Do you feel right now that you're really on top of your game? Are you really happy with the way things went tonight?
ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I think I played well, especially in the second set, and, you know, it's good that I feel much better now than in the beginning of the tournament. It took me a week before I started to feel the ball and play a little better than in the beginning of the tournament. Hopefully, I'll continue to improve, because, you know, every ‑‑ next match, you know, you really have to play your best, you know. Since quarterfinal. Really give everything you have, you know, to be able to go through.
she is playing well in US open...better and better...maybe this time, she won't be the "second" best lah...
回覆刪除and she is pretty too...
[版主回覆09/03/2008 00:13:00]good evening chyna 係啊﹐elena 最大敵人係自己呢﹐今次 usopen 佢確實打得有信心呢﹐希望佢都可以一賞 grand slam gei 滋味啦
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/03/2008 00:11:00]剛剛回家﹐elena 現在 win 左第一個 set, 第二個 set lead 緊, so good 做乜鬼﹐妳隻眼腫左 ga, 點錯相 昨日個張咪幾好
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/03/2008 00:42:00]晚上好啊 grace 呵呵﹐這樣人生先精彩呢
hoho, elena 2 個 set 直落搞掂對手﹐入左四強 la
回覆刪除唉!我都係" 最大敵人係自己"....
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/04/2008 15:07:00]我都係啊﹐成日係自己緊張搞到打到鬼五馬六 @@ 一比賽就緊張呢﹐大家都要加油﹐努力啊
森里,你仲開心過elena,希望佢都可以一賞 grand slam 冠軍架滋味
回覆刪除Elena 努力加油....
[版主回覆09/04/2008 15:10:00]hehe, 緊係啦﹐見到自己喜愛 gei 球手越打越好﹐好開心呢 成妳貴言﹐ elena 今晚打 semi-final, 佢發揮番之前水準﹐可以入到 final 的﹐佢對上一次入美國網球公開賽已經係四年前﹐今年佢打得不錯﹐好大機會拎到 grand slam。 grand slam 係每個職業球手最想得到的 ^^ 希望 elena 都拎到