2008年8月19日 星期二

Hayley Westenra ~ I believe

I Believe :

Inside this fragile heart of mine
Lives uncertainty
A never-ending fear

And right before my eyes
The crossroads of my life
The path for me is clear

These doubts, lingering in my head
I must free, to let me move ahead

I believe myself
The more I believe I know
That believing is the start of everything to come
Woah, I believe myself
The burning light I see
It just can’t be wrong
I’m gonna keep going on
I believe

In this world full of lies
I see you trying to smile
A smile to survive

I understand your wary face
Your distrusting embrace
That I recognize

Black as night- the colour I used to be
No one could ever stain me

I believe myself
The more I believe I know
That believing is the start of everything to come
Woah, I believe myself
The burning light I see
It just can’t be wrong
I’m gonna keep going on
I believe

And spreading right before me
The biggest sky I’ve seen
The colours engulf me
This is my dream
I believe myself
The more I believe I know
That believing is the start of everything to come
Woah, I believe myself
The burning light I see
It just can’t be wrong
I’m gonna keep going on
I believe myself

9 則留言 :

  1. 11.I Believe - Hayley Westenra

  2. GOOD SONG!!
    [版主回覆08/21/2008 01:07:00]hehe

  3. Minifairy_夢女孩2008年8月19日 晚上10:23

    Good song, good lyric, good voice,  thanks for sharing
    [版主回覆08/21/2008 01:07:00]evening minifairy, 係啊好動聽呢 佢唱D歌都好正 ga 呢隻就係佢樱花恋曲其中一隻歌

  4. 好聽喎.留返遲d做blog背景音樂
    [版主回覆08/21/2008 01:03:00]係啊﹐佢除左唱 amazing grace 正之外﹐呢隻都得

  5. 咦點解豬媽今次PLAY唔到...........可能太夜了,聽日再試過至得!
    [版主回覆08/21/2008 01:02:00]之後又冇再試過呢??

  6.  good song
    [版主回覆08/21/2008 01:02:00]good evening bebe 首歌正 ga, 我覺得比日本原 version 更好

  7. cannot play ah
    [版主回覆08/21/2008 01:01:00]唔得咩 我 play 到 wow, 等耐D得唔得呢?

  8. 得啦得啦 PLAY到啦!真係好好聽AR..佢唱到每個字都好清楚...用嚟學英文都OK呀!
    [版主回覆08/23/2008 23:46:00]係啊﹐海莉唱得好好聽﹐每個字都好清楚﹐又夠氣﹐聲又靚

  9. Dream comes true with hope, believe and love!
    [版主回覆08/23/2008 23:46:00]Yeah!!! 只要有夢想﹐凡事可成真


多謝到訪 ^___^ 留個言好嗎 :P??